Standing in Snow
Uneven winter falls on us
I stare at the paved streets and sickly faces from my warm hearth
Figures paling under throbbing-snow
Arm in arm, the world and the light
Goes on and on, dewed and dispelled by time.
Mother makes warm cookies and brews coffee for the frosty evening
She shifts simmering shadows in the kitchen and pours the hot liquid in China-clay cups
Father enters the lively room and drops us each with hard-earned gifts
The daily hunt puts bread on the plate and we all are glad and uncomplaining.
The snow comes and strikes like unsteady passengers who pace towards the jumpy train
Arrogant faces curled up inside whisper in wonder
Fearful faces outside melt away without a whisper
We were once being peered at, standing in snow, by faces inside cozy walls
The children wished to throw breadcrumbs
Their parents shooed us away.
We only live in the thawing moment uncertain about either predicament.
Should we start defrosting like the dinner chicken just kept out of the fridge?
©2023 Kaustabh Kashyap.