Would You Love a Phoenix Who Doesn’t Rise From the Ashes?
We live in a world which celebrates success. We yearn for material prosperity. The perfect job, the faultless partner, the flawless family, solid fortune and impeccable health.
We seek wholeness.
Even though we are told that failures aid in our growth, we wouldn’t want to remain letdowns all our lives. We want our neat happy endings to eventually reward our efforts.
But there is that person who struggles constantly, moving between unrewarding jobs and never being able to settle down.
The unrequited lover who stays alone all his life.
The girl traumatized by her troubled kith and kin who never quite heals to be stable.
The man who remains penniless.
That person whose home is a hospital and never quite recovers to understand the meaning of being healthy.
So I ask this: Would you love a phoenix who doesn’t rise from the ashes?